#User must put "integer" values as input data #Otherwise, user will get an error message # #Binary question for tag loss(=1), OR no loss of tag (=0); #init_int LossTag_NolossTag; #if this code is not 1 (i.e., no loss of tag), then mB must be zero; 1 #Binary question for two identical and non-permanent tags(=1), #OR two one non-permanent and permanent tags (=0); #bothNP_oneP 1 # ########### Marking and release #M.1.A: number of fish initially single-tagged in color A # and released 2807 #M.2.B: number of fish double-tagged in color B and released # or #M.A.F: number of fish marked with non-permanent tag in color A # and permanent mark 491 # ########### Recoveries #n2: number of fish caught in the 2nd sample #(it includes marked and unmarked fish) 11444 #mA: recoveries with only one tag in color A 218 #mB: recoveries with only one tag in color B # or #mF: recoveries with only one permanent tag or mark 0 #mBB: recoveries with two tags in color B # or #mAF: recoveries with one non-permanent tag or one permanent tag or mark 35 # # ########### Don't change the value below ########### unless user runs into an error #rho_guess: guess initial value for rho (tag loss rate) 0.2