Louis Goodman
Dr. Louis Goodman
(Full CV)
Marine Turbulence Laboratory

WELCOME- The Marine Turbulence Laboratory is dedicated to understanding the nature of ocean turbulence and its relationship to the mixing of physical, chemical, and biological constituents. Emphasis is on the coastal waters where turbulence often is a critical factor in determining overall water mass circulation through its frictional effects, particularly in the surface and bottom boundary layers. The programs of the Marine Turbulence Laboratory are very diverse and are aimed at both breaking new scientific ground on understanding the fundamental nature of turbulence and its relationship to larger scale flow fields as well as in developing new tools and techniques of measuring turbulence. We also are heavily involved in interdisciplinary programs understanding the role of turbulence in small scale biology.

REMUS Second generation SMAST turbulence AUV, pictured underway.

Laboratory Interests

Our principal investigation is quantification of realistic turbulence regimes through the use of the SMAST Turbulence Remote Environmental Measuring Unit (REMUS). Acquired from Hydroid Inc. and retrofitted with a suite of microstructure and finestructure sensors, this Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) is capable of a wide variety of missions.

The suite of sensors integrated within the AUV allow a synoptic map of fine and microstructure quantities to be obtained and can be used to close the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget (On Closing the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget from an AUV, Goodman, Levine, and Lueck (2006) J. Atoms. Ocean. Tech. 23, 977-990.), one of the areas of interest for the Turbulence Lab.

LOU Local field testing in Buzzards Bay, 2010

The SMAST Marine Turbulence Lab has participated in a wide variety of experiments in recent years, including Layered Organization in the Coastal Ocean (LOCO) in 2006, the Merrimack River Mixing and Divergence Experiment, (MerMADE) in 2007 and 2010, and most recently, a study to examine sub-mesoscale lateral mixing, (LatMix) in 2011.

Show below is a depiction of the T-REMUS as it navigates around a drifting buoy. By continuously measuring acoustic range to the buoy, the T-REMUS is able to navigate in a box-like pattern centered around the buoy system as the entire buoy system drifts. The buoy's three main parts are the communication buoy, which has RF and IRIDIUM communications with ship or shore, GPS, and acoustic communications with the T-REMUS while underway, a second buoy with a self contained 50m thermistor chain and datalogger, made by RBR, and a third buoy with a 10m long drogue that allows the buoy to follow a specific parcel of water.

T-REMUS shown with Gateway buoy system, including communication buoy, drogue, and thermistor chain.